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Talent strategy


    By adopting the technique of CAD and CAPP, the company can design their products with the optimized results, achieve the aims of high efficiency and energy-saving, as well as can provide users with a guarantee for rationally using energy and reducing cost.

   While producing one generation of products, don't forget develop and preserve a new generation of products. Widely participating in the technical exchanges and cooperation worldwide. Laying a solid foundation for competition with the advantages in technique, quality, cost and service constituted in R&D. Customer's satisfaction is our goal.
          For utilizing water resources more reliably and rationally, we are contributing all our efforts. Our technique will be devoted to wider application domain with a forward looking and full of hominization.       

Cultivation and development

     Advanced automatic production facilities, the manufacturing of key parts and spares with CAM , are the guarantee for  producing firs class quality products. The directly participating in production and inspection of engineering technical ensures the reliability and stability of the product  greatly. 
     "Manufacturing fine works, creating first class" is the target we Sky-Sea people is assiduously pursuing for, as the slogan "Be conscientious and meticulous, making progress through severe training and hammering" goes, we will never change our determination for pursuing the excellency, no matter what happened to us in the world.